While garage door windows are great decorative additions to your home, they have the potential to break and pose a danger to anyone using the garage. If your garage door windows ever break, you need to replace it as soon as possible since broken glass can drop from above when the garage door is open. Use this guide to learn how to replace a garage door window.
Prepare the area
You’ll first want to disconnect all power from the garage door opener, unplugging it and disconnecting the opener from the power supply. You’ll also want to remove any loose glass from the window from the top down.
Remove the window frame
Inspect the inside of the window frame for any screws or snap-over retainers that are securing the frame to the door. This will differ based on whether you have an insulated or uninsulated garage door. You’ll need someone to help hold the frame from the outside while you remove the screws/retainers with either a Phillips head or a flathead screwdriver. At this point, you’ll want to take measurements for a replacement window that you can usually order from any glass supplier. Refer to your garage door manual or manufacturer for the specifics regarding the window material.
Reinstall the window
Clear out any excess glass that was left in the window (you can even remove it from the door if that makes it easier). Replace the frame into the window and place the glass into the window frame and secure it as necessary. If you have snap-over retainers, use a rubber mallet to reinstall the retainers on the frame. Remember to tap the mallet gently so you don’t damage the window or frame again.
While this may seem like a simple task, removing the frame and finding the correct type of glass may be extremely time-consuming, so you may want to consider finding a garage door professional to do the replacement for you. Consider using TalkLocal to make the search process go by in a flash! You’ll be talking to a local high-quality garage door service company in just minutes!