- Electric drill/screw gun
- 1/8" dia. drill bit
- #2 Phillips drive bit
- tape measure
- spirit level
Step 2) Install the ogee brackets on the wall using the 2" or 3" screws supplied being sure to screw into the studs. Check your installation to be sure that the brackets are secure and level.
Step 3) Install the header to the brackets using the 1 1/4" screws provided being careful to pre- drill a pilot hole first (bees wax or hand soap applied minimally to the threads of the screw makes it easier to drive).
Step 4) Install tracks to header using 3/4" screws provided. Front track should be mounted 1/8" from the front of the header, second track should be spaced 7/8" back from the front track (see diagram above) If your tracks are spliced be sure they are abutted at the center of the opening.
Step 5) Remove Easy-Glide ball bearing carriers from shutters by opening the catch on the base plate and install 4 Easy-Glide ball bearing carriers onto each track inserting Easy-Glide ball bearing carrier from one end of the track.
Step 6) Install the 4 stops into the 2 tracks at each end, setting the position to stop the shutter at the proper location at the end of the track.
Step 7) Install the two shutters onto Easy-Glide ball bearing carriers of the back track first, then the two shutters onto the Easy-Glide ball bearing carriers of the front track.