Replacing window Frames cost

Cost to Frame a Window Opening

Item Quantity Low High
Framed Opening Labor
Labor estimate to frame window opening. Measure, cut and install conventional wood framed window opening up to 6' in width. Includes 4"x10" header, jack and king studs. Includes planning, equipment and material acquisition, area preparation and protection, setup and cleanup.
7.2 hours $213.11 $273.32
Framed Opening Materials and Supplies
Cost of related materials and supplies typically required to frame window opening including: fasteners and connectors.
6 Openings $236.24 $271.61
Framed Opening Equipment Allowance
Job related costs of specialty equipment used for job quality and efficiency, including: pneumatic framing nailer, 12" miter saw and 3 1/4" electric planer..
$28.50 $48.00
Totals - Cost to Frame Window Opening - $477.85 $592.93
Average Cost Per Opening $79.64 $98.82

Get an INSTANT estimate of the cost to Frame a Window Opening! Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Window Opening Framing project. For a basic 6 openings project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Frame a Window Opening ranges between $79.64 - $98.82 per opening.

To estimate costs for your project:

1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased.

2. Specify Project Size Enter the number of "openings" required for the project.

3. Re-calculate Click the "Update" button.

Cost to Frame a Window Opening - Notes and General Information

Homewyse cost estimates are "ballpark" ranges for basic work performed in normal, serviceable conditions. The estimates should only be used for preliminary planning. Homewyse estimates are NOT substitutes for firm quotes from qualified vendors. Homewyse strongly recommends that you contact reputable professionals for an accurate assessment of work required and costs for your project - before making any decisions or commitments.

The cost estimate includes:

  • Costs for local material / equipment delivery to and service provider transportation to and from the job site.
  • Costs to prepare the worksite for Window Opening Framing, including costs to protect existing structure(s), finishes, materials and components.
  • Costs for job cleanup and debris removal at project completion.
  • Labor setup time, mobilization time and minimum hourly charges that are commonly included for small Window Opening Framing jobs.

The cost estimate does NOT include:

  • Costs for removing, relocating, repairing, or modifying existing framing, surfacing, HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems - or bringing those systems into compliance with current building codes.
  • Costs for testing and remediation of hazardous materials (asbestos, lead, etc).
  • General contractor overhead and markup for organizing and supervising the Window Opening Framing. Add 15% to 23% to the total cost above if a general contractor will supervise this project.
  • Sales tax on materials and supplies.
  • Permit or inspection fees (or portion thereof) required by your local building department for your overall project.

Cost to Frame a Window Opening - References

  • Value Engineered Framing United States Environmental Protection Agency, United States Department of Energy, Dec 2009, Editorial Staff

Window Opening Framing - Average Cost Per Opening

Expect to pay in the high end of the estimated price range for a licensed, bonded and insured contractor and for complex or rush projects. Hire carefully, only after verifying prior work quality.

For the best value on Window Opening Framing: combine related projects; get bids from several pros; and be flexible about project scheduling.

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