The hot sun in Perth makes Window Tinting for your home almost a necessity.
DMS Tinting and Graphics has a great range of quality 3M™ Window Tinting Films for your home that will give you years of valuable service in protecting your family & furnishings and will help you save money by rejecting heat before it enters the room. 3M Solar Control Films improve the look of your house, protects your furnishings and interiors from the suns' harmful rays.
As a leader in both film and adhesive technologies, 3M™ brings together these disciplines to create the finest products available for residential use. Our line of films provides an elegant means for solving many of the challenging aspects of managing the energy use of your home.

Which Film is right for you?
for a chat or an obligation free on-site measure and quote or see our display at Home Base - display number 249 (two locations).
Some of our window tinting range for you to select from.
Night Vision Series: Our most popular line of films for homes across Perth. Features low internal reflectivity for excellent night views out.
Ceramic Series: When optical clarity and performance are requirements this is the film to choose.
Prestige Series: Outstanding heat rejection performance while allowing more light to enter the room. Have a look at the statistics! Prestige 70 lets in twice as much light as Night Vision 35 but stops the same amount of heat!
Neutral Series: Excellent privacy and heat rejection performance. Great day-time privacy.
Reflective Series: Top performers for heat rejection, but may be a little too reflective at night for everyday home use.
01 We make our own polyester.
3M™ is one of only a few window film manufacturers that actually produces it's own polyester, including the patented microlayer and colour-stable technology film.
02 No one knows adhesives like 3M™
3M™ actually makes it's own adhesives. From Scotch™ Tape and Post-it™ notes to permanent construction adhesives, 3M™ is a world leader in adhesive technologies. The adhesives we use in our films provide a unique combination of optical clarity, fast drying, long lasting bond and simple removal.
03 Abrasion Resistance.
This core technology has stemmed from 3M's™ expertise in materials that are abrasive, such as 3M™ sandpaper and Scotchbrite™ scouring pads. This understanding of how materials can be abraded has moved 3M™ into a world leadership position protecting surfaces from abrasion.
04 Thin coating and nano-technologies.
Bringing all of the components together into one window film requres the ability to apply very thin coating technologies as evident in the Ceramic Series where a single layer of ceramic material gives excellent performance and visibility and the Prestige Series films where nano-technology is used to combine over 200 layers into a single film no thicker than a post-it note.
05 Colour Stability
Our Night Vision, Ceramic and Prestige films acheive their colour without using dyes. Dyed films will change colour and go purple or fade over time, looking unattractive and reducing their effectiveness. The Ceramic and Prestige series also acheive their excellent performance without the use of metals. A metal layer in a film can interfere with wireless and cellular signals and is susceptible to corrosion in coastal environments.
Dear Geralyn,
With proper reinforcement you do not need glass on each side of the stained glass panel; unless it is in copper foil, then the exterior is sufficient. If you use glass on the exterior, you need to take ventilation of the panel into consideration, or have it encased into a triple glazed insulated glass unit.
If this information is foreign to you, I highly recommend you consult with a stained glass studio that has experience in this type of installation. This is not a free service. If the panel and installation are not done correctly, it will not last very long. It could als…